Posts tagged Metasploit Weekly Wrapup

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 06/21/2024

Argument Injection for PHP on Windows 本周包括目标文件遍历和任意文件读取的模块 Apache、SolarWinds和Check Point等软件的漏洞 最重要的是一个针对最近PHP漏洞的模块 sfewer-r7 []. This module exploits an argument 注入漏洞,导致远程代码执行和计量器 在Administrator用户上下文中运行的shell. Note, that this attac

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 06/14/2024

New module content (5) Telerik Report Server Auth Bypass Authors: SinSinology and Spencer McIntyre Type: Auxiliary Pull request: #19242 [] contributed by zeroSteiner [] 路径:扫描仪/ http / telerik_report_server_auth_bypass AttackerKB reference: CVE-2024-4358 [] 描述:这增加了一个CVE-2024-4358的漏洞,这是一个身份验证 bypass in Te

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 06/07/2024

New OSX payloads:ARMed and Dangerous 除了利用CVE-2024-5084的RCE,通过WordPress获得RCE 哈希形式,这个版本的特点是增加了几个新的二进制OSX 支持aarch64的无阶段有效负载:执行命令、Shell绑定TCP和 Shell Reverse TCP. 新的osx/aarch64/shell_bind_tcp有效负载在目标上打开一个侦听端口 机器,它允许攻击者连接到这个开放端口来生成 命令shell使用用户提供的命令使用exe

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 05/31/2024

Quis dīrumpet ipsos dīrumpēs 在这个版本中,我们采用了双重攻击:两个漏洞,每个针对两个 pieces of software. The first pair is from h00die [] targeting the Jasmine Ransomeware Web Server. The first uses CVE-2024-30851 to 检索勒索软件服务器的登录,第二个是目录 允许任意文件读取的遍历漏洞. The second pair from Dave Rhino Security的Yesland利用CVE-2024-2389及其攻击Progress Flowmon pai

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 05/23/2024

Infiltrate the Broadcast! A new module from Chocapikk [] allows the user to 在易受攻击的流媒体平台上执行远程代码执行 AVideo (12.4 - 14.2). multi/http/avideo_wwbnindex_unauth_rce模块 leverages CVE-2024-31819 [],一个针对 PHP过滤器链接,以获得未经身份验证和非特权访问,获得它 an attacker value of High on AttackerKB [

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up 05/17/2024

LDAP Authentication Improvements This week, in Metasploit v6.4.9, the team has added multiple improvements for LDAP related attacks. 与身份验证相关的两个改进是新的 support for Signing [] and Channel Binding []. Microsoft has been making changes [ gb/topic/2020 - 2023和- 2024 - ldap通道绑定-和- ldap -签署要求

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up 05/10/2024

Password Spraying support 多个暴力破解/登录扫描模块已经更新,以支持 PASSWORD_SPRAY module option. This work was completed in pull request #19079 [http://github.从nrathaus [ . nrathaus]以及我们的 developers [] . When 设置密码喷洒选项,尝试用户和密码的顺序 attempts are changed

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 05/03/24

Dump secrets inline 本周,我们自己的cdelafuente-r7 [http://github].com/cdelafuente-r7] added 这是对著名的Windows Secrets Dump模块的重大改进 [] 在转储SAM哈希、LSA秘密和缓存时减少内存占用 credentials. 该模块现在直接读取Windows注册表远程 无需将完整的注册表项转储到磁盘并解析

4 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/26/24

Rancher Modules 本周,Metasploit社区成员h00die [http://github].com/h00die] added 针对Rancher实例的两个模块中的第二个. These modules each leak 来自应用程序易受攻击实例的敏感信息 intended to manage Kubernetes clusters. These are a great addition to Metasploit对测试Kubernetes环境的覆盖 []. PAN-OS RCE Metasploit also released an e

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/19/24

Welcome Ryan and the new CrushFTP module 并不是每周我们都会在框架中添加一个很棒的新漏洞利用模块 将漏洞的原始发现者也添加到Rapid7团队中. 我们非常高兴地欢迎Ryan Emmons加入紧急威胁响应小组, which works alongside Metasploit here at Rapid7. Ryan discovered an Improperly 动态确定对象属性的受控修改 10之前版本中的CrushFTP漏洞(CVE-2023-43177).5.1 whic

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/12/24

Account Takeover using Shadow Credentials Metasploit框架的新版本包括一个Shadow Credentials模块 added by smashery [] 用于可靠地接管Active Directory用户帐户或计算机,以及 让未来的身份验证以该帐户进行. This can be chained 与Metasploit框架中的其他模块(如windows_secrets_dump)一起使用. Details 该模块针对的是一个“受害者”账户

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/05/2024

New ESC4 Templates for AD CS Metasploit added capabilities [] 利用了Metasploit 6中AD CS的ESC系列缺陷.3. The ESC4 技术的支持已经有一段时间了,这要感谢 Ad_cs_cert_templates模块,允许用户读写证书 template objects. 这有利于ESC4的开发 misconfiguration in

3 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 03/29/2024


2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 03/22/2024

New module content (1) OpenNMS Horizon Authenticated RCE Author: Erik Wynter Type: Exploit Pull request: #18618 [] contributed by ErikWynter [] 路径:linux / http / opennms_horizon_authenticated_rce AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-0872 [] 描述:该模块利用了OpenNMS Horizon中的内置功能 order to execute arbitrary commands as t

2 min Metasploit

Metasploit Wrap-Up 03/15/2024

New module content (3) GitLab Password Reset Account Takeover Authors: asterion04 and h00die Type: Auxiliary Pull request: #18716 [] contributed by h00die [] 路径:admin / http / gitlab_password_reset_account_takeover AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-7028 [] 描述:这增加了一个利用帐户接管的漏洞利用模块 vulnerability to take contr